A Talent Marketplace

Empowering Professional Societies & Associations

Data Control & Monetisation

Professionals control their data (GDPR-compliant) and earn by sharing with hiring companies. Associations profit when their members’ profiles are unlocked.

KYC Verified Talent Marketplace

We facilitate seamless talent discovery, via our technology that services professional associations and societies, globally.

Automated White-Label Solution

Effortlessly incorporate our talent marketplace into your system, while maintaining the integrity of your brand identity.

Establishing the most extensively verified network of industry experts globally.


Monthly payouts for profile views.


KYC checked and 2 step verification.

Custom Designed

Set up a custom "Private Label" front-end, displaying your corporate identity.


Members maintain their own profile, so their is no admin for you.


Your members match to the right work opportunities.

For Any Sector

STiiNT-iT embraces the shift in the talent market and gives power to both the individual and the hiring company.

Automated Matching

Join the world's first genuine shared candidate community platform.


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